Wednesday 4 July, 2007


Sometimes you love something so much that it hurts to leave it, but you must. Sometimes it hurts too much to hold on to that thing you love. And sometimes you let go of what you love because it hurts, but then just sometimes... you get it back and live happily ever after...
This is a thought I came across in a forwarded mail... As they say “all that begins well ends well too...” but is this true? Does this happen in every person's life? Ya... It might begin well and end well too... but is that the end that was actually expected or the end in itself was that which was not anticipated? And as usual, I started thinking of my life and the life of ppl around me as a paradigm. In many small instances, the saying, "all that begins well, ends well applied". But, there are many situations in life where the word compromise plays a major role... and these situations are not jus the small ones that can be overlooked... They wld sometimes change the course of our lives... some of which even ive made... and hopefully have no qualms. They say the value of a thing or a person can be realized only when it’s gone. At times i have this question in my mind which many of us wld have thought - Why at all luv smthin so much and let go off it... y is that the even the toughest person in life becomes so emotional when it comes to love... and last y at all get hurt jus because u luv smthin so much... all these are unanswered questions r may be ther are answers which we don’t wanna hear…

The last line is for my friends, who after reading my first blog feel that im frustrated in life… (Which am actually not). It’s just that my views are a little callous. But there too… "You get it back and live happily ever after" seems like a typical fairy tale ending. 2 things to be noticed here is that, when the line is split up “you get it back" – when (I mean the time) u get it back and the importance it gains at that time, is smthin to be pondered about... The second half of it "live happily ever after" - by no means happens in anyone’s life and a practical person who thinks with his head, not ruled by the heart will indisputably agree to this.