Wednesday 25 July, 2007

What do we live for, if not to make life less difficult for each other?

The day light breaks again. Another day has begun. But still no sleep has come. My body is weary,my mind overworked. I lie awake thinking.... But what I am unsure. I need to break free from the cycle I endure.

Everyday is the same and the nights are undistinguished. I feel as though I am being pushed along with the tide. Unable to set free from the everyday flow.

This is not me I need to change... but I am unable to change.

I need to be unchained from the clutch of an ordinary one..and become that person I have always longed for. Express myself in every way, and conquer the dreams as I lie awake.

I wonder...It takes a day to make a dream, but it takes many nights for a seed to become a tree.

We are making an endless journey, but no ladder is without an end..

Problems may fall like rain, but every seed has its season.

I want to be like a flower. Not sure of when it would die but enjoying life to its fullest till it withers. I want to stand as tall as a flower would,as long as I can. I will stand.That is what I plan...

The person i perceive to become is a one who touches every one's life in a positive way and leave a mark before i fade away...

I may fall,but that won't stop me from growing.
my love, friendship and beauty, I always will show.

I may even be crushed,but I will never lose faith in my dreams..

Wednesday 4 July, 2007


Sometimes you love something so much that it hurts to leave it, but you must. Sometimes it hurts too much to hold on to that thing you love. And sometimes you let go of what you love because it hurts, but then just sometimes... you get it back and live happily ever after...
This is a thought I came across in a forwarded mail... As they say “all that begins well ends well too...” but is this true? Does this happen in every person's life? Ya... It might begin well and end well too... but is that the end that was actually expected or the end in itself was that which was not anticipated? And as usual, I started thinking of my life and the life of ppl around me as a paradigm. In many small instances, the saying, "all that begins well, ends well applied". But, there are many situations in life where the word compromise plays a major role... and these situations are not jus the small ones that can be overlooked... They wld sometimes change the course of our lives... some of which even ive made... and hopefully have no qualms. They say the value of a thing or a person can be realized only when it’s gone. At times i have this question in my mind which many of us wld have thought - Why at all luv smthin so much and let go off it... y is that the even the toughest person in life becomes so emotional when it comes to love... and last y at all get hurt jus because u luv smthin so much... all these are unanswered questions r may be ther are answers which we don’t wanna hear…

The last line is for my friends, who after reading my first blog feel that im frustrated in life… (Which am actually not). It’s just that my views are a little callous. But there too… "You get it back and live happily ever after" seems like a typical fairy tale ending. 2 things to be noticed here is that, when the line is split up “you get it back" – when (I mean the time) u get it back and the importance it gains at that time, is smthin to be pondered about... The second half of it "live happily ever after" - by no means happens in anyone’s life and a practical person who thinks with his head, not ruled by the heart will indisputably agree to this.

Wednesday 20 June, 2007

Life... We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful what we pretend to be...

"Be happy while you're living, for you're a long time dead." - Scottish Proverb

Every1 says, "How the time flies." The days go by and they are years, and the years finally become our whole life. Each daily portion can be wasted, or it can be a pleasure, before it is gone forever. If a bedtime review of the day concludes that we were too stressed, too busy, didn't accomplish anything, didn't have any fun, then it has been another lost piece of precious life… after all wat do we live for if not to make life less difficult for each other… the mundane activities of our lives ( atleast my life to be more defined) has pushed me to a corner where I am left alone with no acquaintances at all… for who and what the hell am I working and studying so hard? For people around me, who are the so called happy ppl to see me big in life.. Sheer shit.. Ask them to come into my shoe. They’ll probably realize what they are loosing… I was not like this… though not too very successful as wat they call it... yet I was happy.. Happy to be myself amongst the ones I Luv.

Perhaps we are putting off our enjoyment until we have more time, or money, or some other improved condition. The trouble with that is that it might never happen, or it may be too long in coming. Wats the use when we’ve lost it and still fighting a lost game?? For whom is this extra time, lots of money?? For the second and third generations?? No way… I would have lost all that I yearned for by the moment I feel its part time. It's so important to accept this time, this very minute, as something of fantastic value that will very soon be gone ceaselessly.
There are many ways that I realize to ensure that i make the best of my time...ive decided to bring back the time I lost to ensoy with myself and with others...

ive decided to face problems bravely, confidently, and improve on situation, no matter what state it be in. Be good to feel good. Be active and improve your mind. Laugh, relax, and sleep well and of course eat well... :)

Life is mostly froth and bubble;
Two things stand like stone:
Kindness in another's trouble,
Courage in our own. - Adam Gordon

Writing in a soul view to bring back the lost child in me… hope to find her soon…