Tuesday 3 May, 2011

Thinking.. Part I

"It's time!!" they all say..

Though they not know what goes my way..

A petrifying experience just gone away and deep fear set in the grey..

Only HE understands what I say and I hope he gives a ray

"It's time!!" they all say..

And I feel it's very easy to say!!

Sunday 31 January, 2010


A lump in my throat,
Overwhelming surge of emotion
Why? I have the love of my life!
Could I have been any happier?

The journey I've been through
With a thousand reasons to thank the Lord
I am in safe hands now
I wouldn't want to ever return.

Yet a little bit of obsession over you, lingers
Even when I have my own
I was sure. I had moved on
It hurt, yet when I imagined, you with another.

The child in me, was afraid to lose the importance
I believed, that I might have once had
In your life, in your thoughts
Selfish, I know, when I have already walked miles away.

Not an attempt to retrace the steps
I would never want to, from where I am
You don't have to remember me,
Not my life or my love.

I had a sincere song for you once,
Though with a different tune now.
Our lives were always running in parallel tracks
They were never destined to meet

Thursday 18 September, 2008


Why get close to ppl when we know hw much its gonna hurt when they will not be a part of our life for a long time? it really hurts to even think that u cannot even see the person, talk to them, smile with them and share ur happiness and sorrows anymore.. and that thought shatters... Why at all get close?

Thursday 15 May, 2008

I'm back

aahh... after a mad 2 week post my injury, im back to my world.. :) feels nice when ppl are concerned, keep callin and messaging everyday wishing a speedy recovery. This one long week when i was at home (spending most of the time sleeping :)thanks to the tablets)i learnt quite a few things.. 1) i cannot live without ppl (esp friends) 2) impossible without the comp, music, tv and most importantly my Mobile.. 3)I've always thought im a ppl person. A person who can talk for hours and make grt friends, but this 1 week made me more of a silent person. I hope this does not become a part of my character itself!! i wld dread that.

Thanks to the accident that im not going to get my vehicle again :( i will miss her a lot.. lets see.. hopefully i shld be able to convince ppl at home in a few weeks. I wld be handicapped without her!!!!!

And since the day i was given a clean chit from the doc that my brain is intact, i was set free! :) i watched quite a lot of movies and caught up with loads of music. Got permission to the comp today and here I am as Bryan Adams says...

Saturday 29 March, 2008

Relationships Verses Sacrifice...

The irony of sacrifice...

The word sacrifice means choosing to let go something for the benefit of your partner. I prefer to call it a irony because if you’re giving, you’re focused on what you’ll be getting back. In that case, you’re less likely to get what you want. To word it differently, when you don’t focus on getting back, but act selflessly, you’re more likely to get what you want. But that cannot be the intent(Assuming people are practical)

Sacrifice from commitment can be distinguished.Commitment is making a choice to give up other choices. In sacrifice, one lets go of his or her self-interest for the good of the relationship. However, you can’t be the only one in the partnership making this gesture.

Some parallels

Until a man has made a commitment, he won’t sacrifice himself as much as a woman. But when he finally does commit, his sacrifice is stronger. Conversely, due to the hormonal effects, a woman will form an attachment that will allow her to sacrifice sooner in the relationship but she will then proceed slower.

Y not try the following???

Be more aware of your partner
Accept your mate’s quirks.
Listen when your partner is speaking.
Be willing to forgive offenses or imperfections.
Do something your mate would like to do for fun.
Express gratefulness at any given point which will make relationships healthy.

But yes, a sacrifice would mean that these gestures would be made without letting the other person know you are doing them.

What it boils down to

Clearly, a relationship has to be attended to if it’s going to be satisfying. Yes, there’s work to be done after you decide to commit! And, I think it’s fair to say that if you stay in a partnership where you’re doing all of the giving and getting nothing back, then it is not a healthy relationship. Even when there’s an imbalance because one partner gives way too much, it’s generally indicative of some underlying unhealthy issue.

But it is really important that when you give, you give selflessly, you give in accordance to what the other person needs rather than the way you see the world, and that you are not giving with the intention of getting something back.. its not a barter system of business where you give something and get something in return.

Many people may disagree and believe that this is all really part of making a commitment to another rather than calling it a sacrifice. My question is: “Does it matter what you call it?” To me, what’s important is that you know that you can make the choice to take steps to act differently and that those actions can make a difference. And what’s more, the actions are within you and not ones that require more than basic caring.

Pls note: These are my personal beliefs which may differ from person to person based on situations and circumstances.

Thursday 20 March, 2008


Most people prefer illusion to reality. It’s very dangerous to let the populous behind the scenes, they are easily disillusioned and therefore will become angry, for it is illusion they prefer. Always remember the magic of illusion lives in curves not in angles and nothing is sadder than the death of an illusion. That is when life shows its true picture...

Sunday 3 February, 2008


As the human species ages through time, the necessity to accept others as they are is yet an issue. Despite the innumerable quantity of attempts already made to impose the habit of tolerance to people, they keep on developing a certain invulnerability to it. However, in order to establish an orderly civilized society, we need to accept others as they are to live in peace under the same equivalent standards. Traits such as personality, attitude, beliefs, physical appearance and religion play a major role in how we distinguish those with whom we rather group up with.
Personality goes a long way when it comes down to accepting individuals; however, a cover can oftentimes hide a person’s true colors. It is important that we learn how to respect people even when we do not like the way they carry themselves or react in a specific situation.

In a modern era where religions, political parties are abundant, the prototype set of morals are virtually non-existent. A person’s beliefs should be respected and never intended to change. As open-minded free spirits, it is unavoidable that people unfold different attitudes about certain issues.

Judging books by their covers can be deceiving, but how about judging people by their appearance? Appearances have little to do with a person’s inner essence and are completely irrelevant to the being’s mindset. We were all created differently so that individual identification was possible. We can learn unthinkable things from different perspectives! You have nothing to lose and, again, acceptance is the key to understanding. It is always said and i strongly believe that you cannot love a person truly unless you accept and appreciate the person for what he or she is. As Karen Casey beautifully words it - "Truly loving another means letting go of all expectations. It means full acceptance, even celebration of another's personhood." This ofcourse is a very tuff and honestly a little hurting one too... but in the course of time, the relationship turns out to be very beautiful, closely held and a matured one.

Attitude is also a trait we tend to notice in individuals. Their attitudes towards issues of our interests can greatly influence our perception of their personas, altering one or more of the feelings we will eventually develop for them in the future.

Due to the extremity to which individuality extends, it is impossible not to differ from others in terms of beliefs; however, acceptance is essential when complete understanding is expected. Attitude does not necessarily have to be accepted; nevertheless, it is important that we understand the reason for such attitude in order to fairly judge it. It is not fair for an individual to not be taken into consideration just because his or her looks are not appealing to the arbiter. Because trying to understand does not hurt anyone, if you are successful then you can proudly say you are a tolerant person. In the other hand, if the person’s behavior is somehow annoying and nerve wrecking to you, you may choose to stay away, especially when the person is not essential to your life’s functioning.

Accepting others as they fully are will make of this world a better place if you look at it from both the big and small picture since it will take you a step further in accepting yourself as well is my humble opinion.